
5 Natural Ways to Manage Labor Pain Without Medication

Labor Pain

Many pregnant mothers worry thinking how the last day of their pregnancy will be. If you are planning a natural birth, you surely want it to go as smoothly as possible. You may be also thinking to avoid the use of epidural anesthesia, if possible. There are many natural ways to manage labor pain. Here, we describe some techniques that can greatly help you minimize pain.

  1. Relax

This is probably the most important tip. And it starts with your mind. Think of a good moment in your life and how how happy it made you feel. Or think about what you would like to do with your baby in the next few months. With a calm mind, having good thoughts, you will be able to cope better with labor pain.

  1. Patterned breathing

If you talk to other moms, you will hear that patterned breathing is an amazing way to ease labor pain. Learn here how to do this. Patterned breathing will help you with contractions and has a calming and relaxing effect.

  1. Hydrotherapy

Studies have shown that hydrotherapy can help with initial labor pain and anxiety. You can try taking a hot shower for the contractions, or else, you can choose to relax in a bathtub or Jacuzzi. Back in the wild, many women actually gave birth in water, because it helped with maternal pain. You may want to consider water birthing.

  1. Move around

If you are able to walk, try to move around. Try different positions for leaning and rocking, which can help you deal with the immediate pain. You will also find that some positions are better than others. In short, you may need to wait before going into labor, and the more you move, the easier it will be.

  1. Get a massage

Don’t underestimate the power of a foot massage or back rub. Ask your partner for a quick massage or just talk to your midwife/doula. The idea is to relax, and massages can help you with that. Acupressure is also great for alleviating pain and discomfort. If you hire a doula, he/she may try a few techniques ahead of your labor time to make sure that you are comfortable with everything during the period. Reiki during pregnancy can also help.

Other things that matter

Experts have stated that the environment where the mother will give birth is very important. Therefore, you should try to keep your surroundings as familiar as possible. Get a few pillows and blankets from home to make the hospital room more likeable and comfortable. Aromatherapy may also help. You can also try having some superficial chit chat with your husband/partner to relax and get a bit of humor in the environment. Some mothers also like listening to music during labor and birth. Finally, it is advisable that you only have people that really matter to you around when the big moment begins to happen.

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