
Essentials for Diaper Changing Stations

Diaper Changing Station

As a new parent, you’re going to spend a lot of time at the diaper changing station in your house. Make the time as pleasant as possible by ensuring that you’ve got everything you need.


I mean, obviously. But you’d be surprised how easy it is to get halfway through changing a blowout, reach for a clean diaper, and realize the fresh pack is on the other end of the room (or the hamper of clean cloth diapers is still in the laundry room).


Another staple to buy in bulk. Have backups in easy reach in case a diaper change is messier than you expected. This is another supply to have unwrapped and ready to go. Some wipes containers have little seals under the cap, and it’s frustrating to pick at the edge of the seal when your hands are dirty.

Diaper Cream

Diaper rashes are so common in babies. The dampness and acidity of contact with a wet diaper, as well as the friction from diapers and wipes, can irritate a baby’s delicate skin. Diaper creams can soothe rashes or create a moisturizing barrier to help prevent a rash.

Change of Clothes

Hopefully, you won’t need to do a full outfit change every time your baby has a dirty diaper. But blowouts do happen. Hint: Most onesies have folds at the shoulders that let you roll it down, instead of pulling a stained outfit up over your baby’s face.


This is handy for when your baby’s old enough to squirm away from a diaper change. Give the baby a distracting toy so you can handle wiping and changing in peace. Simple, plastic toys are easiest to wipe clean.

Extra Changing Pad Covers

Having a baby sometimes means learning about new types of gear (and things to wash) than you’d ever heard of before. Many parents prefer to lay their babies on a soft changing pad, which often has a washable cover. Keep an extra cover folded with the diapers so you can freshen your changing space as needed.

Hand Sanitizer

You should always wash your hands thoroughly after a diaper change. You may also like to have an alcohol-based hand sanitizer available to limit the germs you transfer to doorknobs, light switches, and other areas of the house on your way to the bathroom.

Thermometer and First Aid Kit

The first moment you notice your baby feels warmer than usual may be when you’re stripping him down for a diaper change. Many pediatricians recommend taking infants’ temperatures rectally, so it makes sense to stash the thermometer at the changing station. This is also a good place to keep some bandages, antibiotic cream, and other first aid basics so you can attend to any little scrapes while you’ve got the baby still. Do any bandaging you need to before attending to a dirty diaper.

Diaper Pail and Liners

Leaving a dirty diaper lying out will stink up the nursery in no time. You can opt for a high-tech or fairly simple diaper pail option. Just make sure whatever you choose, the lid seals tight to keep your baby’s room smelling fresh and clean. You’ll have to empty the pail often, so have more liners available at all times.

Jessica Sillers
Jessica Sillers is a parenting and finance writer whose work has been featured in Pregnancy & Newborn, Headspace, and more. As a new mom herself, she’s passionate about helping other parents find the community and support they need. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, reading, and hiking.

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