
Healthy Snacks for Mothers Who Are Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Snacks

Breastfeeding is a tiring task that can lead to breast soreness. A few healthy snacks for breastfeeding moms are essential and will help boost your energy and keep you satisfied. There are countless healthy snacks for breastfeeding mothers. Here are a few options.

1. Boiled eggs with milk – It can seem like an odd combination, but milk and eggs are both sources of high quality protein. Both also require minimal preparation time. If you do not like milk, a little bit of chocolate powder can transform it into a different drink. Such powders typically are loaded with sugar, but you need not add the recommended amount to the milk. If the box specifies one teaspoon, try a half, or even a quarter that amount. Adjust the amount of powder to your taste.  Eggs do contain saturated fat, which is not particularly good, but you can limit, either by keeping the number of eggs to a minimum or, better yet, limit the number of yolks to about three per week, remembering that the white part of the egg is pure protein. You also may find special eggs in the market that have higher than the usual ratio of good fat (polyunsaturated fats, specifically omega-3s) compared with saturated fat. Often, however, the ratio is just a little bit better than what exists in an ordinary egg, and typically those fancier eggs come at a high cost, sometimes as high as 4 US dollars, or more, per dozen.

2. Fresh fruits and berries – For most people, munching on fruits and berries throughout the day when hungry is a great idea, so long as you don’t overdo it. When you are running out of snack ideas, you can have fresh fruits or berries with some cottage cheese. Fruits and berries contain both micronutrients –minerals and vitamins– and fiber. They also contain a lot of sugar, so those with diabetes and certain other conditions mustn’t eat too much at once. Certain berries and fruits —kiwi, mango, banana, cherries, and pears, for instance— contain high levels of a type of sugar called fructose that has been implicated in the changes in the body that lead to certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid these foods. In fact, consuming the fruits fresh is far better than consuming juices made from them, because juices concentrate the sugar, with much of the fiber removed. Many people enjoy fruits mixed with cottage cheese, which is a good source of protein, yet with reduced lactose compared with other cheeses. You can replace the cottage cheese with yogurt according to your preference.

3. Juices or smoothies – In connection with breastfeeding snacks and drinks, juices or smoothies are always on the list, but remember what we said about concerning juices. Smoothies are generally better because they retain the fruit’s fiber. Vegetable smoothies in particular are high in fiber and usually with lower sugar levels. Some people add milk, but if you are lactose intolerant, consider adding a scoop of soy protein.

4. Whole grain crackers with hummus – Hummus is a good plant-based protein, and it is also quite tasty. Whole grain products are a good idea, if it really means products from which the fiber has not been removed, but the reputation of “whole grain” products is overblown. Frequently, there is little difference between products that are labeled “whole grain” versus those that are not. At your typical bagel store, for instance, the “whole grain” bagel is not likely to be any more “whole” than the plain bagel.  The same is true for most crackers.

5. Celery with a twist – Like crackers, celery also gets really tasty when you dip it in hummus. The same goes for carrots. Put it on some whole grain crackers and take celery on the side.

6. Flavored water – Don’t forget about staying hydrated all day long. It is a must to have a bottle filled with water beside you. You can add in some cucumber, lemon, or ginger to give it some taste.  If you want, just add some mint leaves in the water and drink it throughout the day. If you are wondering whether it is possible to drink too much water, the answer is yes. But too much means a really huge amount and it’s very unusual for a person to reach that limit.

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