
Tips For Attending College While Pregnant

Being pregnant can seem like a full-time job- at all times! That’s why it is so admirable when mamas-to-be are in school at the same time they are growing their babies. It’s true that going to college or university while pregnant can be challenging, however with some planning and support it is definitely possible! We have compiled a list of tips to help you through this challenging time- don’t worry mama, you got this!

  1. Invest in a wheeled backpack

If you’re carrying books and notebooks around campus, it may get harder for you to carry them on your back. If you find that your backpack feels too heavy, or you’re straining to pick it up, consider buying a backpack with wheels. This type of pack will allow you to carry it on your back when you feel up to it, or wheel it behind you when it feels too heavy.

  1. Choose a realistic school schedule

Attending school is very time consuming, demanding and also stressful. In order for you to have a successful school year while being pregnant, you need to have a realistic school schedule. Take fewer classes and take the classes twice a week, instead of every day (depending on your school).

  1. Eat well

Make sure you always eat your breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. This will help you feel less irritable while you’re in class and help you concentrate better. No one, pregnant or not, concentrates on an empty stomach, eat your food mama! You’re nourishing yourself and your growing baby. Make sure you put a plan in place for getting the right nutrition. This may include packing nutritious snacks for yourself before you head off to class. If you put the right fuel into your body, you’ll feel more capable of handling the challenges of college along with your pregnancy.

  1. Communication

Communicating with people at your school is really important. Your teachers, your advisor, and your school’s administration can be allies for you if you let them. Schedule meetings with your professors before you find yourself in a situation where you need their help. Let them know that you’re pregnant and that you want to put some plans in place to make sure you can still be successful at school. Find out in advance what you should do if you’re having a hard time meeting a deadline because of your pregnancy. Your teachers will appreciate that you’re thinking ahead and will be willing to work with you to help you succeed

  1. Time between classes

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time between classes. As your baby grows and presses against your bladder, you’ll find yourself running to the bathroom much more frequently! Your non-pregnant self may have been able to make it through several classes without a trip to the ladies’ room, but your pregnant self won’t be quite so accommodating. You’ll also need to make sure you have time to eat small snacks between classes to keep your energy up.

  1. Don’t be hard on yourself

Do not be hard on yourself and think you are a failure if you do not take 5 classes at a time. Do not feel bad if you are a part-time student instead of a full-time student while pregnant. It’s going to be okay, I promise. You are already a rockstar for still attending school and doing your best while being pregnant. You got this!!

Shoshi S.
Shoshi is a graduate from Stern College for Women in New York City. Her areas of interest include policy, non-profit organizations, and administration. During winter 2018, she was a White House intern. Shoshi has also interned at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and at Save the Children in New York. As a millennial, Shoshi brings a young and fresh perspective to the worlds of pregnancy and lactation.

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