
Pregnancy and Lactation Weekly Digest

For the Week Ending July 8, 2018. 

WIN a 3-month supply of baby diapers (3 boxes of 252 diapers each)!!





Click HERE now to participate in this fantastic giveaway and win 756 diapers FOR FREE! The contest finishes tomorrow, so hurry up!

A Pregnancy Test You Can Flush Down the Toilet Is Almost a Reality

Picture a pregnancy test, and chances are that some version of the following image will pop up: a clinical plastic stick, possibly with a pink handle and the words “pregnant” and “not pregnant” printed at one end. Now try and imagine a vastly new-and-improved version of the product that’s become so integral to women’s lives, but hasn’t changed in three decades. What would that even look like? Find out about it here.

21 times celebrity moms were refreshingly honest about their post-pregnancy bodies

Sadly, it’s no surprise both the media and Instagram users get a kick out of pointing out celebrities who gained weight during their pregnancies— our society is notorious for putting unrealistic pressure on women to look a certain way. Add in the ability for commenters to hide behind a screen and the problem only intensifies. Kristen Bell and many other A-listers have been candid about their post-baby-bodies time and time again. Here is the best of what they had to say.

Beware of NSAIDs in Early Pregnancy

A study in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology analyzed pregnant women from the Kaiser Permanente healthcare system and compared newly pregnant women who took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen or neither and found that using NSAIDs around conception carried a more than fourfold higher risk of early miscarriage. Read more about it here.

Why doctors are so bad at predicting pregnancy due dates

Only 4 percent of women give birth on their estimated delivery date. That’s because of the natural variation in how long it takes a baby to grow and because of our limited ability to predict due dates. Read more about it here.

The most popular article on The Pulse this week was Pregnancy Test Still Positive If a Line Is Lighter? If you’re hoping to expand your family, taking a pregnancy test can be a much-anticipated part of your month. Sometimes, though, even the simplest-sounding processes can turn out to hold unexpected complications. You’ve taken the test, and there appears to be a second line, but only barely. Is it possible to be “a little bit pregnant” after all? Read it here.

Diego Wyszynski
Dr. Diego Wyszynski is the Founder and CEO of Pregistry. He is an expert on the effects of medications and vaccines in pregnancy and lactation and an accomplished writer, having published 3 books with Oxford University Press and more than 70 articles in medical journals. In 2017, he was selected a TEDMED Research Scholar. Diego attended the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

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