
Ten Simple Breastfeeding Tips for the First Time Mother

Breastfeeding tips

Many studies have shown that breastfeeding is good for both mother and baby. Breastmilk is the best conceivable food for your baby since, among other great benefits, it can boost his immune system. Breastfeeding may also help you lose weight and reduce your risk of having breast cancer. Shortly after you give birth you may have a lot of questions regarding breastfeeding. If you are looking for a breastfeeding guide & tips, keep reading!

  1. Talk to other breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding is a unique experience for every woman. Other moms can share with you their personal knowledge and this may become invaluable.
  2. Spend time learning breastfeeding facts while you are still pregnant. There is a lot of great information available online on breastfeeding on the web. This blog has many informative articles here.
  3. Try to nurse your baby within the first hour after birth, if possible. A baby’s instinct to suck is usually present already immediately after birth. During this initial period, your breasts will produce yellow-tinted milk, known as colostrum, which is very rich in antibodies.
  4. Some women have flat or inverted nipples which may interfere with breastfeeding. Ask your doctor if you need nipple shields. Also, get a few nursing bras and nursing pillows to ease the process of feeding.
  5. Babies are almost always hungry! On an average, a young baby wants to eat around 8 to 12 times per day. Your baby may show signs of hunger at any given time of the day and night, so make sure to feed him without keeping strict time intervals.
  6. If you had an easy and normal delivery, your milk production will increase naturally. Unless recommended by your doctor or lactation specialist, your baby should not be formula-fed during the first 6 months of life. Your body is most likely capable of producing more than enough breastmilk needed by your baby every day.
  7. How your baby latches to your breast tells a lot about your nursing technique! If you are unsure about what to do, contact a lactation consultant who will explain to you the correct positions and ways to nurse your baby.
  8. Your nutrition while you breastfeed is about eating healthy. Make sure that you are hydrated at all times and try to avoid alcohol and caffeine the days you breastfeed. Dairy in general, including chocolates, should be limited too.
  9. Light soreness, discomfort, and pain in the nipples are all normal issues during the first few weeks after you give birth. However, if any of these problems don’t subside after a few weeks, talk to your doctor. Persistent pain could be a sign of infection.
  10. Breastfeeding is great when done positioned tummy-to-tummy. It is important that you see that your baby is getting enough milk. Also, keep track of your baby’s weight to identify any fluctuations that may require a discussion with your baby’s pediatrician.

If you smoked during pregnancy, quit now! Never smoke before feeding the baby. Passive smoke is also harmful for the child, and therefore, no smoker should close to you during your breastfeeding sessions.

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