
Debunking 5 Common Breastfeeding Myths

Breastfeeding myths

New and expecting mothers often have concerns regarding breastfeeding. Although there is a lot of information available online, not everything is accurate. Breastfeeding is important for your baby and also good for your health. In this post, we will debunk some of the common myths around breastfeeding.

Myth 1: Not enough milk for the baby

Most women produce more milk than the baby requires. If you find your newborn hungry after breastfeeding, it is probably because breastmilk is easy to digest. A breastfed newborn baby can eat every 2 to 3 hours, and sometimes more frequently. Even if you are on a poor diet, your body will still make enough breastmilk for your little one. However, it is possible that your baby isn’t getting the right amount of milk because of an incorrect breastfeeding technique. Talk to your doctor or nursing consultant about this.

Myth 2: Breastfeeding hurts

It is true that there may be some tenderness in the first few days, but breastfeeding usually does not hurt. You may have nursing problems immediately after childbirth, which should subside in a week or so. Any kind of abnormal pain in the nipples should not be ignored! Abnormal pain in the nipples could be a sign of yeast infection. Do not stop feeding the baby if this happens. Limited feeding, however, may help with the soreness… but it is not the ideal solution.

Myth 3: Resting will help you make more milk

False! The more you nurse the baby, the more milk your body will make. It pretty much works like demand and supply. Studies reveal that taking a break in the nursing schedule may actually impact the milk supply. Most mothers nurse their baby at least 8 to 10 times per day to keep up the milk production. Also, keep a check on your diet to the best possible extent. In addition to the major meals, you should also eat healthy snacks.

Myth 4: New moms should drink more water

While hydration is one of the factors that can impact milk production, it isn’t the only concern. As a nursing mother, you should drink enough water and fluids to keep yourself hydrated without going overboard. In fact, research shows that over-hydration may lead to a decrease in milk production, just like dehydration! Are you wondering if you drink enough water? Check the color of your urine. It should be light yellow. Dark yellow or orange could be a sign of dehydration.

Myth 5: Nursing mothers should wash their nipples every time before breastfeeding

Breastmilk protects the baby from infection and is the best choice for a healthy nutrition. You don’t need to wash your nipples each time you are going to nurse! With formula feeding, mothers must be more careful, since formula can get contaminated becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.

Consult with your doctor or nursing specialist if you have any questions about nursing.

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