
When to Give Your Baby Solid Food

Baby Solid Food

Most babies are ready for solid food 5 to 6 months after birth. Until then, you can give them enough breast milk to supply all the needed macro- and micronutrients. Generally, your doctor will recommend that you start blending of few foods for the baby by the middle of the first year of life. The following tips may help you in introducing solid foods to your baby:

How to Tell if Your Baby is Ready for Solid Food Items

  • If your child is able to keep her head upright and steady, then he/she is ready for pureed food.
  • When, during feeding, he/she does not lean forward or backward.
  • Before trying solid food, he/she may start reaching out to food that others are eating. Your baby may grab a piece of food and even try putting it into his or her mouth. Adult food is not appropriate for such a child, but reaching for the food is another sign that your child is ready for soft solid food. Also, if your child opens his or her mouth when you show the spoon, that’s another sign that your baby is ready.

What Food is Right for Your Baby?

  • Some parents avoid giving babies vegetables or fruits on the grounds that the the baby will not find these foods tasty. However, infants are born with a preference of sweetness in particular. Consequently, you can start giving your child bananas, mangoes, or other sweet fruits, as well as vegetables.
  • Babies can be fed cereal with warm milk, so long as the meal is well-blended. Simply mixing cereal in a bottle of milk can lead to choking. Give cereal using a spoon..
  • Try different food items. You should play around with the child’s menu to give her a chance to show what she likes. Gradually, you can add in some bread, other starches, and eggs to help develop the child’s taste.
  • To avoid constipation and vomiting, keep the food light and free of heavy spices and herbs. If you are confused as to what to give your child, simply boil vegetables and blend them together with some salted rice.
  • You can feed your child cookies and muffins too, but make sure they are moist and broken into tiny pieces.

Lastly, if you see a change in your baby’s stools, do not worry. This will happen when your child starts eating a variety of solid foods. If your child has loose stools, or constipation, talk with a pediatrician about a possible diet change.

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