
Pregnancy and Lactation Weekly Digest

For the Week Ending May 12, 2019. 

Happy Mother’s Day!!

The Dooce

Heather Armstrong doesn’t usually get the credit she is given in this recent profile – as a digital pioneer. On her “mommyblog” dooce.com, which she started way back in 2001 and where she exposed many often unspoken truths about parenting, she invented many of the social media behaviors millions of people now engage in daily. Read it here.

This is important for you because mothering is really hard. She’s getting through it and documenting every minute so we can relate.

Rescue gifts baby kits

Baby kits filled with clothing, baby soap, diapers and other necessities can lure mothers in the third world to medical centers to give birth, when they might otherwise do so at home. Buy some here.

This is important for you because perinatal care should be available to all – and should not be taken for granted.

Famous new moms

Amy Schumer and Meghan Markle both had baby boys this week. Wonder if Gene and Archie will be playmates? Read more here and here.

This is important for you because in the hormonal and sleep deprived haze surrounding childbirth, it’s nice to have pop cultural references to help connect to the other humans.

Losing weight after birth

Not you; your baby. He will probably lose weight after being born – most babies do. Collecting data on how much weight is lost, and how far after birth, can reassure doctors and mothers that this weight loss is probably ok. Read more about how such data can further inform childbirth here.

This is important for you because doctors and nurses can make you panic after you give birth over stuff like this; more information is vital to help everyone understand what is normal.

The most popular article on The Pulse this week was Baby Talk: How to Talk and Not to Talk to Your Baby. Talk to her all the time, about everything. Read it here.

Diana Gitig
Dr. Diana Gitig has a Ph.D. in cell biology and genetics from Cornell University, and has been writing about issues in biology – from molecular biology to cancer to immunology to neuroscience to nutrition to agriculture - for the past fifteen years. She has three teenaged children.

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