
Pregnancy and Lactation Weekly Digest

For the Week Ending January 9, 2022. 

COVID-19 Vaccines International Pregnancy Exposure Registry (C-VIPER)

More than 8,000 pregnant vaccinated women are already participating in our survey.

Help us understand the impact of COVID-19 vaccines on pregnancy and babies. Be a part of it!

Click here to Register.

Using RNA to predict pre-eclampsia risk

mRNA, or messenger RNA, entered the common lexicon last year when the wildly successful COVID vaccines used it to protect people from the ravages of the pandemic. RNA can also be used as a way to reflect what is happening during a pregnancy; it is an indicator of which genes the embryo is expressing. Since this RNA can be extracted from maternal blood, it provides a noninvasive window to monitor a pregnancy in real time. New research shows that it can be used as an early predictor of pre-eclampsia, so this dangerous condition can be treated before it causes harm. Read more here.

This is important for you because “Not only have the authors developed a predictive test for pre-eclampsia, but the study’s findings also have the potential to provide insights into typical pregnancies and fetal development.”

“Parallel Mothers”

Pedro Almodóvar’s newest film follows two women after they give birth. He uses it as a means to explore the Franco regime and its lingering effects on Spanish society. Read more here.

This is important for you because why not use your pregnant connection to these characters to learn a little history?

The School for Good Mothers

In this new novel, the author imagines government overreach into a mother’s choices in echoes of A Handmaid’s Tale. Read more here.

This is important for you because we barely need fiction to imagine dystopias anymore, but if this is your thing…

You can still be a calm person

Even after you have a baby. Despite this.

This is important for you because of course you’ll have these moments, but it will be ok.

The most popular article on The Pulse this week was The Midwifery Model of Care. Read it here.

Diana Gitig
Dr. Diana Gitig has a Ph.D. in cell biology and genetics from Cornell University, and has been writing about issues in biology – from molecular biology to cancer to immunology to neuroscience to nutrition to agriculture - for the past fifteen years. She has three teenaged children.

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