
Moving to a New Place when You Are Pregnant Needn’t Be a Nightmare

Moving when pregnant can be an absolute nightmare.

Actually, few thing sound more stressful than moving while pregnant!

You can’t pick up the heavy boxes but you know exactly where you want them to go, you can’t go two hours without a pee break, and you get seriously overheated.

Don’t worry, we got you covered.

Here are some tips for those of you moving while expecting your baby!

  1. Plan ahead

Just like any other successful move, you’ll need to plan ahead. And if you’re pregnant – you’ll need to plan way (read: months) ahead to avoid unnecessary moving headaches later. Start with a to-do list, which should include all necessary tasks to ensure your moving day goes off without a hitch.

  1. Talk to your doctor first

Before you even think about picking up a box check with your doctor that it’s safe for you to participate. Pregnant women who are lifting for more than an hour a day should avoid anything heavier than 18 pounds if they are less than 20 weeks, and 13 pounds if they are more than 20 weeks.

  1. Find alternative ways to contribute

I guarantee no one will think you are lazy for not moving boxes—there is plenty to do that doesn’t involve heavy lifting. You can do a deep clean of each room, direct other people about where to put boxes, run out to grab food for everyone helping, etc.

  1. Reduce stress

As stressful as the moving process can be, it’s of the utmost importance that you try your best to reduce any and all anxiety. Taking care of yourself and your growing baby takes priority over the typical relocation stresses.

  1. Declutter before you nest

Have a huge clear out before you move to reduce the load you have to move to begin with.

  1. Beat pregnancy brain

Thanks to the dreaded pregnancy brain, it’s easy to lose track of the million things to be done. Write lists and use a calendar to mark key dates in advance- in that way you won’t forget to transfer the cable or book the movers.

  1. Be aware of chemicals

While moving, exercise caution when using cleaning supplies, as some may include harmful chemicals. Avoid ammonia and bleach altogether. Make sure to wear gloves when cleaning dishes, countertops and the rest of your home.

  1. Be careful on the stairs

Falling is one of the most common accidents in pregnancy because your center of gravity shifts. Be careful carrying heavy things and walking up and down stairs, or anywhere you might fall- one way to avoid this may be wearing shoes with a good grip.

  1. Recruit helpers

When packing up your household, I highly recommend recruiting as many helpers as possible. If it’s in your budget to do so, hire professional packers to help with the upcoming move. After all, with so much to do, packing up an entire household can seem like just another added hassle to an already stressful relocation (and pregnancy) process.

  1. Wait on purchasing baby supplies

Unless your baby is set to arrive shortly after moving, I suggest waiting until after the move to purchase baby supplies and nursery furnishings. Depending on the distance of your move, the overall cost of your relocation will be based on either the weight of your things or the number of hours it takes to move. Remember: less stuff equals more money in your pockets. Second, waiting to purchase baby supplies means you’ll spend less time packing and more time doing the things you love. Finally, once you move to your new home, you’ll be able to better assess what you really need for the new baby.

Shoshi S.
Shoshi is a graduate from Stern College for Women in New York City. Her areas of interest include policy, non-profit organizations, and administration. During winter 2018, she was a White House intern. Shoshi has also interned at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and at Save the Children in New York. As a millennial, Shoshi brings a young and fresh perspective to the worlds of pregnancy and lactation.

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