
12 Tips to Beat Cabin Fever when Your Are Pregnant and in Lockdown

Note: The Pregistry website includes expert reports on more than 2000 medications, 300 diseases, and 150 common exposures during pregnancy and lactation. For the topic Coronavirus, go here. These expert reports are free of charge and can be saved and shared.


Staying indoors when pregnant during the flu season is hard enough, but isolation indoors during COVID-19 is almost impossible. I have found myself craving fresh air and the outdoors more than I have my entire life! For those mamas who live in busy, bustling cities and can’t take a quick stroll around the block without seeing or coming into contact with people, I have put together a little list of tips and tricks that keep my cabin fever to a minimum!

  1. Keep the windows open

Keep the windows open for as long as possible. I have found that when indoor air is circulated for too long, it starts smelling stale and stifling. Keep windows on the opposite sides of your apartment or house open so you get a nice cross-current breeze as well!

  1. Keep the curtains away

Throw the curtains away. Use them as towels. Hide them in a cabinet. Seeing outside is almost as good as being outside, and opening your windows to the sunlight and fresh air makes you feel less claustrophobic and more part of the world.

  1. Exercise

Join one of the many free online workout classes. Working out will keep you healthy and engaged. Keep in mind: don’t overdo it!

  1. Chat with friends

Make sure to keep in touch with those you care about and those who care about you. It is easy to fall into the habit of shutting the whole world out when in actuality you don’t have to! Push yourself to call one person a day.

  1. Choose a hobby

Take up something you left behind long ago or try something new! There are free online classes from prestigious colleges available for all due to COVID-19, so take advantage of the opportunity.

  1. Make a routine

Make sure to create a routine and stick to it. Try your best not to sleep until noon and lounge around eating potato chips and watching TV. Keeping to a routine will make you feel stronger and more accomplished.

  1. Experiment with fruits and veggies

It is easy to fall into the habit of eating unhealthily when under quarantine. Make sure to order healthy fruits and vegetables from your local market and prepare one new dish a week. It is lots of fun to see different pops of color on your plate.

  1. Continue prepping for baby

While it may seem as though the world has stopped for COVID-19, your baby has not! Continue prepping for baby, whether that means getting the nursery ready, buying clothes, or ordering loads of diapers.

  1. Plan for when all of this is over

Make a plan with your spouse or companion to do something fun when this is all over. Go on a vacation, throw a party, or visit a favorite museum. Remember that this is all temporary and we will overcome it.

  1. Research telehealth opportunities

If you are feeling low or in need of therapist services, physician services, or online medical advice, look up and see if your primary provider has telehealth options. You can FaceTime, video chat, or call your health professional and receive the same services.

  1. Get a regular sleep schedule

This can finally be your opportunity to catch up on sleep. Sleep as much as your body tells you to but remember to not use that as an excuse for sleeping the day away. You may be in quarantine but, when this is all over, you will want to look back and remember the useful things you did.

  1. Report abuse

While this may not be a fun tidbit, it is the most important. If you or a loved one is being abused -verbally or physically- report it. There are multiple services that are available around the clock even during the quarantine.

Shoshi S.
Shoshi is a graduate from Stern College for Women in New York City. Her areas of interest include policy, non-profit organizations, and administration. During winter 2018, she was a White House intern. Shoshi has also interned at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and at Save the Children in New York. As a millennial, Shoshi brings a young and fresh perspective to the worlds of pregnancy and lactation.

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