
Mom Tribes: A Growing Trend

Mom Tribes

There are many social media channels and forums for pregnant women. After all, we live in an interconnected world, where instant and inexpensive global communications are possible 24/7. What you may not know is that there is a growing trend for both new and more experienced moms to meet face-to-face. Welcome to the world of “Mom Tribes”.

A Mom Tribe is a friendship circle, a sort of a neighborhood maternity club, in which all members are expecting moms or moms who had babies recently. Your Tribe will not only keep you from the loneliness and isolation that often accompanies motherhood, but will save you on a difficult day.

Every Mom Tribe has its own rules and, in most cases, they are not structured as a legal entity nor belong to a larger organization. The main purpose is to provide moms with a space where they can make new friends, share experiences, and feel supported by like-minded women.

At the end of this article, I list a few Mom Tribes that you can potentially join. Alternatively (or in addition), you can create your own Mom Tribe. If you are adventurous and want to try the latter, here is a list of some suggested rules I gathered from other Tribes:

  1. Your Tribe does not need to follow any societally-determined rules (well, you should avoid breaking the law, of course). You can create your own rules, even if they may offend others’ susceptibility. For example, you can decide whether male partners and/or kids will be allowed to attend meetings.
  2. Meetings are held at members’ homes. You do not need to have a Beverly Hills mansion or a spotless kitchen to host. And you do not need to serve a meal, people can bring snacks and drinks.
  3. You don’t have to dress up when you get together. Be yourself. A solid mom friend will feel like family; like a sister. They will love you through thick and thin, and without condition. And the same goes for you to them.
  4. You may complain about pretty much anything during Tribe time: your partner, your children, your parents, anything.
  5. Judging others favorably is a must. Everybody faces issues. Everybody has challenges. Everybody’s families are different. There is no perfect pregnancy nor parenting style.
  6. Privacy and confidentiality are essential. What happens in Mom Tribe stays in Mom Tribe.
  7. Listen to what the more experienced moms have to say. They may have very precious experiences.
  8. Help other Tribe moms feel supported. Do research on their behalf, tell them of great health care providers, websites, and stores.
  9. Do not brag about your kids’ accomplishments. Tribe moms will care for your kids as if they were their own. But do not annoy them.
  10. Create a by-invitation-only Facebook and/or WhatsApp group for your Tribe members.

Your Mom Tribe can improve your quality of life as a mother. Tribe members are like-minded mothers. They parent similar to you and share your values as a mother. Create a bond with them and share significant experiences. There will be a time when your play dates will end, your kids will start school, grow up, and grow apart. The friendships you fostered during the Mom Tribe can survive it all. Try it. You won’t regret it!

Diego Wyszynski
Dr. Diego Wyszynski is the Founder and CEO of Pregistry. He is an expert on the effects of medications and vaccines in pregnancy and lactation and an accomplished writer, having published 3 books with Oxford University Press and more than 70 articles in medical journals. In 2017, he was selected a TEDMED Research Scholar. Diego attended the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

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